Within EE you can search for content in four main sections:
Search letters
Construct a search for specific letters and other types of documents.
Search lives
Construct a search for specific letter writers and recipients.
Search instances
Search for manuscripts, printed editions.
Search annotations
Search for material in editorial, textual or linguistic notes, more extensive editorial remarks or notes by the writers of the original documents.
Searching options
Each section allows you to refine your results using appropriate combinations of the following criteria:
Full text search — key text into a box and search the entire database;
Drop down list — select an item from a predefined list;
Check boxes — combine selections from a predefined list;
More options link — click on this to reveal extended functionality.
Getting the most from your search
Remember that if you are looking for a text string containing more than one word (such as a phrase or a full name), you should place the string within double quotation marks: "this is the quote" or "John Brown". If you do not use quotation marks, the search will look for any item containing any of the words in the string ("this" or "is" or "the" or "quote"; "John" or "Brown").
Be as specific as possible; the breadth of EE means that some general searches will return a lot of results.