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EE life ID


Birth details

Thursday, 15 February 1748

London, Greater London, England

Death details

Wednesday, 6 June 1832

London, Greater London, England

84 years old




philosopher, legal writer, author, reformer

EE letter count

as writer:             2003

as recipient:         1360

Oxford English Dictionary

citation: to cite the biographical note.
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EE life ID: unique EE person identifier.

Birth details: the person's day, date and place of birth, if known.

Death details: the person's day, date and place of death, if known, together with their age at death.

Nationality: a link to other lives in EE with the same nationality.

Occupation: each occupation is linked to a list of other lives in EE with the same occupation.

EE letter count: gives the number of letters currently in EE which were written and received by the person.